Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Con Hair

Here's a great link Tom pointed out to me featuring a medley of the best Cage Dos.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


You heard it here first (because I heard it from somewhere else and told you): Nicky boy has grown a mustache (a fake one by the looks of it) for his role as Big Daddy in the upcoming film adaptation of Mark Millar's graphic novel Kick-Ass.

You can see more pictures here and you can read Millar spastically discuss the filming including bits about Mr. Cage if you're nasty here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cage Kicks Ass

The Ragin' Cagen' has reportedly joined the cast of Matthew Vaughn's (Layercake) adapatation of Mark Millar's (Wanted [the comic, not the shitty movie]) Kick-Ass.

Peep it.


What could be greater than Jim Carrey and Numerology?
How about Nick Cage and Numerology?
Surely you jest. I've been lead to believe that true utopia is unattainable.
Well you're wrong my friend. Get ready to know.


I am finally back on track.
I watched Adaptation (the other night) and I have to say, I fuckin' loved it. Poppin'! This flick was the shit. Shwing!
Anyway, I really enjoyed it, every fat, twinned, chompin', shootin', humpin', metaphysical part of it. Nick Cage is fantastic. I feel like this was the most recent role where he really gave it his all. It was dramatic, hilarious, nuanced, and had so many damn levels. That Kaufman critter sure is a character. Literally. And quite a fine screenwriter. There's talent associated with that surname.
Anywho, if you haven't peeped it, check er out.

33 Nicholas Cage films left.